Mt. Airy Baseball was established in 1985 and remains an all-volunteer community organization. We offer a fun, instructional environment for youth baseball. Everyone is welcome! And no child will be turned away for a family's inability to pay the fee.

Age and skill-based programs are available throughout the year for area children:


In every activity, we strive to encourage Mt. Airy children:

  • Love of baseball and familiarity with its history and proper play
  • Sportsmanship and commitment to team effort
  • Coordination, stamina, strength, and alertness necessary for athletic achievement
  • Competitive spirit that is passionate, but fair, striving for both individual and group accomplishment
  • Respect for adults who provide instruction and guidance

In addition, our activities reinforce the basic trust and understanding among adults and families in Mt. Airy. Full, appropriate participation is available to all children and adults and is not based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or ability to pay.


Volunteers make all of this possible. They are coaches, assistant coaches, concession stand workers, groundskeepers, board members, and more. We are a cooperative effort by neighbors for neighbors.

Fees make up about 2/3 of the League’s budget. The rest is from donations, sponsorships, and a variety of fundraising activities, such as merchandise and concession stand sales.


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