Mt. Airy Baseball: A Philadelphia community tradition since 1985
Spring Baseball
Intraleague play for kids ages 5-15 (T-ball-Seniors). Players learn the fundamentals of the game, develop their skills, and have fun!
Summer Travel Teams
8U-12U and Legion Stars teams
offer higher levels of instruction and competition, including travel to local and regional tournaments.
Fall Baseball
Fall Ball offers players ages 7-15 fun, low-key games as a way to continue enjoying baseball from early September to early November.
Winter Instruction
Sessions run January through March, offering players instruction for hitting, pitching, and catching.
Summer Camp
Mt. Airy Baseball hosts two camp options for our players.
Coaching Information
Interested in being a coach for one
of our teams?
Field Locations
Mt. Airy Baseball has 4 home
fields in northwest Philadelphia.
Sponsorship Information
Learn how to become a sponsor
or make a donation.